Ample sound guitar demo
Ample sound guitar demo

ample sound guitar demo

multiple MIDI tools, including fixed velocity, length legato and restrict, select, move, draw, erase, split, glue etc. Multiple selection and operation, undo and redo etc.Rather, it summarizes the rules through analyzing a bunch of music scores. Dice - Random Riff Generator: A click will create a new inspiration because it is not simply a random algorithm.Every note has 8 attributes - pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.

ample sound guitar demo

  • String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression and even playing noise.
  • Hundreds presets, each preset featured a riff which users can go to Riffer panel and have a preview.
  • Built-in AMP system, including 6 classic AMP models: Metal Double (modeled on Mesa Boogie Dual), Metal Treble (modeled on Mesa Boogie Triple), Lead 800 (modeled on Marshall JCM800), Jazz 120 (modeled on Roland JC120), 65 Twang (modeled on Fender 65 Twin Reverb) and 57 Delight (modeled on Fender 57 Deluxe).
  • ample sound guitar demo

  • Grainy - Enhance grainy of attack and produce the random humanization.
  • Multiple Capo Logics - providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo, chorus, and so on.
  • CPC (Customized Parameters Control) - any controller can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
  • Sustain, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Palm Mute, Pop, Natural Harmonic, Pinch Harmonic, Slide Guitar 11 articulations, Legato at random length & pitch & poly.

    ample sound guitar demo

  • VST2, VST3, AU, AAX and Standalone host.

  • Windows: Windows 7/8/10, 64-bit only (32-bit not supported).

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    Ample sound guitar demo